Thursday, February 21

VideoEgg Meet 2CV, 2CV Meet Dynamic Logic

Looks like my blog is being tapped. News today about an upcoming study to measure the effectiveness of ad interactions. Not sure how this is any different than Dynamic Logic studies, but gives marketers one more metric to demand benchmarks against.
Platforms Make a Difference for Interactive Ads

Getting consumers to interact with an ad is always desirable, but just how much more effective does it make the ad? A new study attempts to measure how consumers feel about a brand after they view a static ad and an ad they can interact with.

London-based interactive agency Weapon 7 hired research agency 2CV in 2005 to conduct the study, and a paper, "Measuring the effectiveness of interactive advertising," is currently undergoing peer review and is slated to be published in Admap this spring. The agencies carried out 16 different studies on different interactive platforms, most notably internet and interactive TV.

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